10 Pilates Reformer Exercises For A Full-Body Workout

Pilates Reformer exercises are becoming increasingly popular as people realize their effectiveness in achieving a full-body workout. A Pilates Reformer is a piece of equipment that consists of a sliding carriage, springs, ropes, and pulleys, which help you perform various exercises that target different muscle groups in your body. In this article, we will discuss ten Pilates Reformer exercises that will give you a full-body workout and leave you feeling energized and refreshed.
- Footwork: This workout targets the muscles in your legs and glutes, among other lower body parts. Lay on your back on the carriage, put your feet on the foot bar, then push the carriage out by straightening your legs to do this workout. Then, kneel down and bring the carriage back in.
- Short Spine Massage: This exercise targets your spine and improves your posture. To perform this exercise, lie on your back on the carriage, bring your knees to your chest, and roll up onto your shoulders. Then, slowly roll back down to the starting position.
- Side Splits: This exercise targets your outer thighs and hips. Place one foot on the foot bar and the other on the carriage as you stand on the carriage to do this exercise. Keep your leg straight as you slide the carriage out to the side and then back in.
- Elephant: This exercise targets your core and upper body muscles. To perform this exercise, stand on the carriage with your hands on the foot bar, and walk your feet forward until your hips are over your shoulders. Then, push the carriage away by straightening your legs and pull it back in by bending your knees.
- Chest Expansion: This exercise targets your chest, shoulders, and back muscles. To perform this exercise, sit on the carriage with your legs straight and your feet flexed. Then, hold the straps in front of you with your arms straight and pull them back to open your chest.
- Long Stretch: This exercise targets your core and upper body muscles. Moving your feet forward till your hips are over your shoulders while standing on the carriage and placing your hands firmly on the foot bar is how to complete this workout. Thereafter, extend your arms straight ahead to push the carriage away and bend your arms backward to pull it back.
- Tendon Stretch: This exercise targets your core and lower body muscles. Sit on the carriage while keeping your feet flexed and your legs straight to perform this exercise. Next, elevate your hips off the carriage while keeping a straight back and holding the straps behind you.
- Swan: This exercise targets your back muscles and improves your posture. To perform this exercise, lie on your stomach on the carriage with your arms straight in front of you. Then, raise your chest off the carriage, hold it there for a few seconds, and then lower it back down.
- Knee Stretches: This exercise targets your core and lower body muscles. For this exercise, kneel on the carriage and place your hands on the foot bar. Then, straighten your legs to help the carriage glide out of the way. Bend your knees and then slide the carriage back in.
- Teaser: This exercise targets your core and upper body muscles. To perform this exercise, lie on your back on the carriage with your legs straight and your arms overhead. Then, roll up into a sitting position and reach forward to touch your toes before rolling back down.
In conclusion, these ten Pilates Reformer exercises provide a full-body workout that targets different muscle groups in your body. Incorporating them into your fitness routine will help you improve your strength, flexibility, and posture.